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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Return of Nuggets 1: Forum Comments From Late March 2008, Part 1

Forum commentary I did from March 2008 through July 2008, when I didn't have time to do the detailed and extensive reports I like to do, is being posted in early October, 2008. The primary themes are how the Nuggets are blowing a great (and expensive!) opportunity to play the game of basketball in such a way that respects the sport and that takes as much advantage as possible of who they have on the roster. The 2006-09 Nuggets have turned out to be an excellent case study of how not to run a basketball team; many things you should not do if you are a basketball manager or coach can be identified from what the Nuggets actually did during these years.

In these comments, do not look for the usual huge amount of detail and proof that you see in the ordinary releases here at Nuggets 1. Some of this is more like everyday conversation than like top quality sports writing. On the other hand, some of the comments do include some detailed reasoning and proof that I pride myself on in the primary reports I release.

The JR Smith reputation roller coaster, like the offense as a whole, has been incomprehensible.

Now you decide that JR might be kind of important for the stretch run? in the middle of March, when you are in 9th place in the West? After treating him as if he was worthless for most of the season? Now you decide he may not be all bad? You think?

Up to the present time, jR got both more development and a better shake from Byron Scott and the Hornets. At least they made logical arguments, and at least they matched their actions to their arguments. Specifically, when they decided they could not handle JR starting, they made sure JR got to go to another team where he could start in the right cicumstances. They didn't go on this half-baked 15 minutes a game and periodic total benching run around.

Ironically, the right circumstances for JR to start exist in Denver, but reality is twisted around to deny it. The bottom line is that, given the choice between starting JR Smith and missing the playoffs, I know for a fact that this coaching staff would choose missing the playoffs.

Therefore, it's time for Denver to be as honest and logical as New Orleans was, and to make sure that Smith goes to another team.
I am afraid that the Nuggets are going to win enough games in total, that getting Karl to retire is not going to happen, even if the Nuggets miss the playoffs, unless the owner is more determined about seeing his franchise get to the top of the West than I think he is.

The Nuggets are like the cast in "LOST," they can't get out of the situation they are stuck in, and that includes being stuck with Karl and his assistants for 2008-09. They win enough to be considered good, but they can't win against the best teams, even though they are among the best teams if the truth were told.

Ever since Stern started his hire the blind program some of the games have sucked.

Well, the defense has become just as inconsistent as the offense is now, so we are really up Sh*$s Creek now.

That's why we are watching history here. It will probably be about 100 years before another team fails to make the playoffs with this much talent. Even GK will get the Nuggets in the playoffs next year. I think. Maybe, anyway.

Atkins played only 6 minutes after the games he has had lately. Please tell me that's a typo.
What is happening to this franchise should be against the law.

Total truth; you just explained several of the reasons why this franchise is in deeper trouble than most people realize.

It's sad, but if Karl can retire or go to another team after this season is over, recovery and moving forward again is possible. Sports is too demanding for Karl at this point; he's not ferocious enough anymore. He was alright for the Sonics back in the day, but it seems like he makes a wrong decision for every correct 3 decisions he makes, a percentage of 75%. We need someone who gets at least 90% of the decisioins correct.

And true, occasionally a decision I claim is wrong may actually be right, I'm not perfect, but too many people see too many mistakes. Everyone and his uncle is complaining about various decisions made by this staff. The whole staff is at fault, not just Karl.

Even David Friedman, a mega basketball writer who almost never criticises a coach, has now made a thumbs down on this.

Thank you for this post.