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Friday, August 21, 2009

The 2009 and the Overall Career George Karl Theme Songs

We decided that a special 2009 theme song was necessary given the surprising and unexpected ten Nuggets playoff wins in 2009.

The song is "I Fought the Law and the Law Won" laugh out loud.

Karl fought the basketball law that forbids completely (or almost completely) ignoring either defense or offense when managing your team. Karl and the Nuggets ignored the importance of having some strategy on offense, and of avoiding having an offense almost completely derived from the defense. The law is not that you have to be equal between the two, but you can not almost totally ignore either one.

Technically, this was the second straight season that Karl and company broke the law, because the prior year, which was 2007-08, they almost totally ignored strategy, confidence building, and other coaching modalities on the defensive side.

In 2008-09, Karl put almost all of his efforts into coaching defense. Thus on his own accord, or under instructions from someone in the Nuggets organization, tested out the radical theory that you could go farther in the playoffs with that "all defense" approach than with a more balanced approach.

Actually, the improbable theory may technically not have been disproven in this specific case, since the Nuggets in fact did go farther in the playoffs than anyone thought.

But on the other hand, as the Lakers and Nuggets locked horns in the 2009 West Final, Karl and all kinds of other grown men claimed that the Nuggets could beat the Lakers, which is obviously false. The Nuggets with their one sided approach to basketball had no chance to defeat the Lakers in the 2009 West Final. So the law actually won, at least ultimately, which it always does except in the immediate aftermath of a revolution.


But since George Karl's career is a very long one by coaching standards, and one year can not change the overall pattern of it. So his overall theme song remains the same:


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