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Friday, May 29, 2009

Introducing The Quest for the Ring Toolbox

There are those who would have sworn that Quest would never go on Twitter. But surprise, we are there, posting totally raw and unedited commentary, especially during games, but not limited to just then.

Another thing many or most would assume we would never achieve would be database capability, which often separates the men from the boys with respect to more sophisticated internet sites. We as of the first of June 2009 achieved database capability. All systems are go, Houston!

We are today introducing a page where you can go and calculate Real Player Ratings for as many players and teams that you wish and that you have the correct information for. Getting the correct information for the NBA is very easy, you can get it from any of numerous sites. ESPN and are especially good sources.

And you can of course use the Tool to calculate ratings for college and high school players and games, as long as you have all of the correct scorekeeper (box score) numbers.

See the User Guide on the Toolbox Page if you want a customized version, because you believe that you have a rating system in mind that better reflects how basketball games are won. But before you do that, though, keep in mind that our system is being continually tweaked, so that it moves closer and closer to being a perfect reflection of how basketball games are won and lost.

The new Site Page is called The Quest for the Ring Toolbox. Aside from the tool itself, quick instructions and a complete User Guide for the tool is right there on that page.

It is expected that more tools will eventually be developed and made available on that page.

Arguably even more exciting than this, we are now developing, using the same database technology that brought Toolbox to life, a big upgrade for our reporting of Real Player Ratings and Real Team Ratings for the NBA. We don't yet know how much of an improvement we will see in the updating capability, but we already know that the presentation will, going forward, be more on a par with the very best Corporate and advanced statistics sites.

The only known big shortcoming of the Real Player Rating system is that we have lacked the ability to report out accurate, fully adjusted ratings on a real time basis. At the present moment, our capability is limited to two NBA-wide reports, one at about the end of February, and one after the season is over, scheduled for July.

But now, with any luck at all, we will expand, probably greatly, our ability to provide close to real time reporting of the Ratings for all NBA players on all teams. For example, we might be able to achieve weekly updating of the Ratings. Monthly would seem to be all but assured.

However, Real Player Ratings adjusted for hidden defending, which are the only kind we will support now (we're spoiled, laugh out loud) can not be done until the end of January at the earliest, due to the need for large samples of minutes to be able to adjust for hidden defending. But from about February 1 on, we will most likely achieve something between monthly and weekly reporting of Real Player Ratings for the NBA.

Also, we will most likely be able to provide one or more Real Player Ratings Reports for the NBA playoffs, something which was not even on the agenda until now!

The Toolbox Page is here. The User Guide for it is right on that page.

Unedited, Raw Game Notes are Here

BallHype: hype it up!

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